
Dreams remind us that there is an Otherworld.
-Patrick Harpur
There is no dream so archetypal
that it does not contain some residue
of the dreamer's personal imagery,
just as there is no dream so personal
that it does not contain a whiff of the archetypal.
-Patrick Harpur
The dream is a spontaneous self-portrayal, in symbolic form,
of the actual situation in the unconscious.
-Carl Jung
A dream is a microscope through which we look
at the hidden occurrences in our soul.
-Erich Fromm
A dream always points to an unconscious situation.
-Edward Whitmont
The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to knowledge
of the unconscious activities of the mind.
-Sigmund Freud
The whole world of dreams
is a metaphorical, symbolic one.
-Marion Woodman
Dreams say what they mean,
but they don't say it in daytime language.
-Gail Godwin
Symbols are the language of dreams.
In dreams, the unconscious is revealed in symbols,
and the key to understanding a dream,
is knowledge of the symbol.
-Fraser Boa
If we take the time to learn their language,
we discover that every dream is a masterpiece
of symbolic communication.
-Robert Johnson
The analysis of dreams
is an art, a technique, a science of a psychological life;
it is not game but a practical value to those who learn the language.
-Carl Jung
The dream is a mountain that thought must climb.
-Andrea Azulay
Dreaming is the psyche itself doing its soul-work.
-James Hillman
A dream itself is but a shadow.
-William Shakespeare
Dreams are analogous to forms
reflected in water.
We often forget our dreams so speedily:
if we cannot catch them as they are passing out at the door,
we never set eyes on them again.
-William Hazlitt
Dreams are real while they last.
Can we say more of life?
-Havelock Ellis
The dream itself is a texture woven of time and space
inside which we find ourselves.
-Robert Bosnak
We organize our daily experiences
according to our coordination of time, space and matter.
No so in our dreams.
There we seem to link events, not according to space and time,
but to feeling and emotion.
-Fred Alan Wolf
One dreams in the first place
and almost to the exclusion of all else, of oneself.
-Carl Jung
Dreams are a drama
taking place on one's own interior stage.
-Carl Jung
The whole dream work is essentially subjective,
and a dream is a theatre in which the dreamer himself
is himself the scene, the player, the prompter, the producer,
the author, the public and the critic.
-Carl Jung
Dreams wherein often we see ourselves
in masquerade.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
One should always first ask,
"What is it in me that does that?"
instead of taking the dream as a warning against other people.
-Marie-Louise von Franz
A good way to connect to the inner parts of yourself
is to think of each dream figure
as an actual person living inside you.
Think of each person in your dreams
as one of the autonomous personalities
that co-exist within your psyche
and combine to make up your total self.
-R. A. Johnson
Dreams point to your back, to what you don't see,
and you have to stand on your head...
to understand your own dreams.
-Marie-Louise von Franz
A dream is quite capable...
of naming the most painful and disagreeable things
without least regard for the feelings of the dreamer.
-Carl Jung
We are not hypocrites in our sleep.
-William Hazlitt
Judge of your natural character
by what you do in your dreams.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
The dream ego is never more significant
than any other figure in the dream.
-John A. Sanford
The metaphors in dreams give us a picture of our psychic condition
and how to change it.
-Marion Woodman
Every dream is not only the unconscious working of the psychic energy,
but also a shaping of that energy.
-Marion Woodman
The dream continually corrects our waking course.
-Marion Woodman
Sleep brings body into balance;
dream brings psyche into balance.
-Marion Woodman
Dreams always point to the inner center.
They are like hundreds of forms all pointing to the inner center.
Every dream is an attempt of nature to center us,
to relate us again back to our innermost center,
to stabilize our personality.
-Marie-Louise von Franz
Learn from your dreams what you lack.
-W. H. Auden
They [dreams] are invariably seeking to express something
that the ego does not know and does not understand.
-Carl Jung
[Jung] found it essential to approach dreams with a humble attitude,
because the most important dream messages
are ahead of the the dreamer's current knowledge and understanding.
-Mary Ann Mattoon
Dreams are today's answers
to tomorrow's questions.
-Edgar Cayce
A dream not interpreted
is like a letter that is unread.
-The Talmud
A thing in a dream
means what it recalls to the mind.
-Sigmund Freud
Circumambulation makes possible looking at the image from all sides,
and describes a metaphoric circle,
the content of which suggests the meaning of that image.
-Mary Ann Mattoon
Every dream, if it is really understood,
not only with the intellect but really emotionally understood,
has such a shotlike "Aha!" effect upon one.
If you do not have that, then you have not understood the dream yet;
it has not been formulated in a way that you can accept.
-Marie-Louise von Franz
The only "correct"interpretation of a dream...
is the one that gives the dreamer a joyful "aha" experience of insight
and moves him to change his life in some constructive fashion.
-Ann Faraday
As with a dream interpreted by one still sleeping,
the interpretation is only the next room of the dream.
-Howard Nemerov
Dreams are the quickest way into our inner world.
They astonish us with their wisdom about past, present, future.
-Marion Woodman
That which the dream shows is the shadow of such wisdom as exists in man,
even if during his waking state he may know nothing about it.
Dreams show us how to find a meaning in our lives,
how to fulfill our own destiny,
how to realize the greater potential of life within us.
-Marie-Louise von Franz
Dreams guide and help us
after we set goals and ideals for our lives.
-Edgar Cayce
Dreams give us images
that can feed the soul.
-Marion Woodman
They who dream by day are cognizant of many things
which escape those who dream only by night.
-Edgar Allan Poe
We are near waking
when we dream that we dream.
I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
-George Gordon Noel Byron
Is this a dream? O if it be a dream,
Let me sleep on, and do not wake me yet.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
All that we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream.
-Edgar Allan Poe
As a person advances spiritually,
his dreams become more beautiful and prophetic.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan