

O sleep! it is a gentle thing,
Beloved from pole to pole!
-Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The timely dew of sleep.
-John Milton

Sleep, soft smiling,
draws me unto her.
-James Agee

Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable Night,
Brother to death, in silent darkness born.
-Samuel Daniel

O soft embalmer
of the still midnight.
-John Keats

Sleep that masters all.

Sleep, thou repose of all things;
thou gentlest of the duties;
thou peace the mind, from which care flies;
who dost soothe the hearts of men
wearied with the toils of the  day,
and refittest them for labor.

Sleep, that knots up the ravell'd sleeve of care;
the death of each day's life, sore labor's bath;
balm of hurt minds;
great nature's second course;
chief nourisher in life's feast.
-William Shakepeare

Sleep is that golden chain
that ties health and our bodies together.
-Thomas Dekker

Our foster nurse of nature
is repose.
-William Shakespeare

One hour's sleep before midnight,
is worth two after.
-Proverb that needed for the physical body to recuperate,
or to draw from the mental and spiritual powers or forces
that are held as the ideals in the body.
-Edgar Cayce

When the eyes of the flesh are shut,
the eyes of the spirit are open.
-Willa Cather

Sleep [is] that period when the soul takes stock
of that [which] it has acted upon
from one rest period to another.
-Edgar Cayce

Sleep is when all the unsorted stuff comes flying out
as from a dustbin upset in a high wind.
-William Golding

What happens to a body in sleep?
Dependent upon what it (the individual) has thought,
what it has set as its ideal!
-Edgar Cayce

Make it a practice to go to sleep every night
with cheerfulness on your mind
and with a feeling of joy
in every atom of your being.
-Christian Larson